The Heart of a Lion

Monday Morning Commentary

The third message in our Hope Connections series, “The Heart of a Lion”, was brought to us by Pastor Craig. Lions have a way of captivating our hearts. Disney’s profits on the Lion King prove it. In scripture, there are over 10 references to Jesus being the Lion of the tribe of Judah. 

What is it about Lion’s that cause our hearts to swell at the sight of them? There is something in a lion’s heart that we recognize and long to have more of ourselves. Revelation 5:5 declares that Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah and that he has won the victory. Genesis 3:15 speaks to the enemy after he has deceived Adam and Eve to declare that the serpents head will be crushed. 

The Lion of the tribe of Judah is saying, “Enemy, if you want to get to my kids, you are gonna have to go through me.” This statement of defense and victory is the heart of the lion. We are drawn to this heart, because we want someone to have this kind of heart for us. Deep down, we long to have this heart for others as well. 

David was in tune with his hearts desire to be this kind of person. In Psalm 119:32 he cried out to the Lord, “I will run the way of your commandments when you enlarge my heart.” David got it. He deeply desired to fulfill all of God’s ways and also recognized that he needed his father’s heart to be able to do so. Our hearts are not big enough to carry out his commands without him. 

God enlarges our hearts through: 

1. Spiritual disciplines- fasting, prayer, corporate worship, and overcoming temptation 

2. Suffering- circumstances we have no control over 

3. Our own mistakes and failures 

• How is God working in your life to give you his heart? 

• How is he growing you through spiritual disciplines, suffering, and your own mistakes? 

Remember, your circumstances are not always a correlation to God’s presence and favor in your life. Often times, it is because we are followers of Christ that we are going through suffering and not experiencing cultural definitions of success. God is more concerned with our hearts than achieving our goals. 

God has a lion heart for others and wants us to have a lion heart for them as well. 

• Can you look back and see how God has defended you? 

• Remember the victories he has won for you. 

• Who does God want you to fight for this week? 

You are created for more than just existence. You are created to be loved by the lion of the tribe of Judah. You are created to be a lion.

Savanna Brown