Feel Free

We may think of our heart simply as the seat of our emotions. But in the Bible our heart is more than that; it’s composed of our emotions, yes, but also of our mind, our will, our conscience. Our heart is the source of our feelings, thoughts, intentions, and our sense of condemnation or guilt when we’ve done something wrong. Emotions can indicate what is going wrong in our hearts before we can articulate it. In this series, we will discover that the aim of the Bible ‘s teaching on emotions isn’t to suppress them or even to manage them, but to read them accurately, express them honestly, and allow the gospel to reshape them completely. 

Feel Free: Anger, Pastor Craig Mosgrove, 1/27/19

In Between Pt. 2, Pastor Chad Craig, 1/20/19

Feel Free: Envy, Pastor Craig Mosgrove, 1/13/19

In Between, Pastor Chad Craig, 1/7/19