Unity That Demands Oil

Monday Morning Commentary

This week’s message focuses on unity. Jesus’s last prayer is found in John 17. He prays above all else that His disciples would be unified. Why is unity so important to Jesus? He answers, “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me” John 17:23. Unity gives evidence to the world of the love of God. Understanding this allows us to realize why the devil is so adamant in his attempt to divide us. 

The nature of the devil is that of division. He sought to divide heaven when he influenced a rebellion as the angel Lucifer. The Bible gives example after example of the scheme of the devil to divide. God is three persons in one. The Trinity is the definition of unity. As we share in the nature of God, we are to resemble the trinity. Because of this reality, the devil seeks to destroy the unity of believers. 

Satan knows a few things about the power of unity. He knows that unity gets answers. In Matthew 18:19-20, Jesus promises to answer the agreement of believers. Satan knows that if he can get us into disagreements, it puts us in a place of unanswered prayer. 

Satan knows that unity is more effective against its enemies. God is a Father. He has a family. He does not intend for His children to live this life with all of the battles it brings, on their own. You are much more vulnerable to Satan’s attack when you face him alone. 

Satan knows that unity releases the oil of God’s Spirit to drip down bringing strength to you. Unity releases the dew of God’s Spirit that refreshes you. Unity releases the blessing of God on your life. When you choose to draw close to people through forgiveness, grace, mercy and understanding, you choose to allow God to draw close to you. 

Satan knows that unity is unstoppable. The reason that God confused the languages of the people who were building the tower of Babel was because their unity would enable them to do anything! Their unity was founded upon selfish ambition and pride. The unity of believers is to be founded upon the glory of God’s name and when we seek after it, nothing will be impossible for us either. 

If we are going to obey the command of Scripture to live in unity, it will demand our commitment. The world seeing the evidence of God’s love through our unity is worth laying aside our differences and choosing love. If our unity draws the lost to Christ, it is worth choosing forgiveness. If people will surrender to Christ because they see our unity, it is worth laying down our pride. Let’s not let the enemy keep us divided. Let’s allow God’s Spirit to unify us through the bond of peace.

Savanna Brown