Oil Stories, Part 1

Monday Morning Commentary

Yesterday, Pastor Chad continue our December series with a message entitled “Oil Stories Pt. 1”. Revelation 3:15-18 describes a church, Laodicea, who thinks they are rich, yet God calls them poor. God has a solution to their wretchedness, misery, poverty, blindness, and nakedness; oil. 

• How does the anointing oil solve our spiritual wretchedness? 

Wretchedness in bible times was used as a term to describe an odorous or foul smell. Oil was used for perfume to cover body odor. The anointing of God takes our away our spiritual stench of sin and selfishness. We need the anointing to give off an aroma that leads to life for all who are seeking God. 

• How does the anointing oil solve our misery? 

When we put on essential oils, we put them on to relax and ease pain in our bodies. The anointing oil of God also helps us to enter into his rest and heal pain. 

• How does the anointing oil solve our poverty? 

Oil is expensive. If someone in Biblical times had oil in their possession, they were rich. The same is true spiritually. The anointing is costly. It cost Jesus everything for us to be able to live in the anointing of God every day. With the anointing of God we can do what we normally would be to poor to do in our own strength. 

• How does the anointing oil solve our blindness? 

Oil can make a salve to open our eyes. When we have the anointing of God, we are able to see things from his perspective. 

• How does the anointing oil solve our nakedness? 

Oil is used to make our clothes. Most of the materials we use in clothing today are materials derived from crude oil. In the same way, spiritually God is able to clothe us using his oil. 

Noticing a theme yet? Oil is not just used for one thing. It is used for everything. 

The anointing oil is not just for one area of life or for one kind of Christian. We all need the anointing of God because we are all spiritually wretched, miserable, impoverished, blind, and naked without Him. The oil of God helps is the only thing that will help us live the Christian life with ease. Without the oil, we will have friction at every turn. 

When is the last time you acknowledged your wretchedness, misery, poverty, blindness, and nakedness? 

How can you invite God to anoint you this week?

Savanna Brown