giving + gifting teams


Dwelling Place Kids

Be a part of our family ministry. Roles range from check-in opportunities to working directly with children and teaching them about Jesus.


Media Team

Offering both technical and non-technical opportunities. Production team members help create smooth-running worship gatherings. No previous experience is necessary. Audio, video, display, and lighting opportunities.


Aesthetics Team

The aesthetics team works each Sunday morning to prepare our facilities with last-minute touches and polishes.

Welcome Team

Use your gifts of hospitality and service to welcome, inform, and serve our guests. Opportunities range from parking lot attendants to door greeters and hosts.



Our ushers serve as “first representatives” of Jesus Christ for a worship gathering. When you serve as an usher, you set the stage for the worship gathering. You are literally part of the continuing story of God’s redemption. Your spiritual readiness and act of service plays a huge role in the life-change that takes place that day.


Writing Team

The writing team is responsible for the composition of all Connect Group leader curriculum and Monday Morning Commentary that goes on our website.

Next Steps Team

Next Steps is a ministry that provides a bridge between the altar and the other discipleship ministries through its steps. Team members help facilitate this process each Sunday in our worship gatherings.


Worship Team

The worship team exists to bring all glory and honor to God through passionate praise and intimate worship as we use our gifts for His Kingdom.


Storytelling Team

This team is responsible for capturing stories of life change in and around Dwelling Place Church. The primary mediums used: photography, videography, editing, composition.



Connect Group Leader

Connect groups are small groups that meet regularly. They help people build community and grow in their faith. Connect group leaders help facilitate and lead these groups.


Dwelling Place Students

Take one look and you will discover that DP Students is a middle school & high school ministry that is dedicated to serving teens that they might experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Monthly worship gatherings and community nights.

Host Home

Being a host home is a very important part of the connect group ministry. Making people feel welcome and part of the evening is a very simple process. Host home leaders do not have to lead the connect groups; they simply provide a meeting space for the connect group.


Facilities Team

Our facilities team is responsible for cleaning and organizing all of our facilities one evening per week to prepare for the next weekend.


Outreach Teams

We have multiple different outreach teams that serve the community around us in Woodstock every week. These range from ministry to local non-profit organizations to communities that we have adopted as our own in serving their needs and building friendship.