One Master: Jesus

Monday Morning Commentary

This month starts off a brand new series at Dwelling Place Two Masters! Matthew 6:24 tells us that no one can serve two masters. We will either hate the one and lose the other or we will be devoted to the one and despise the other. We cannot serve God and money. 

Matthew 6:24 is a hard verse to swallow in American consumeristic culture. Even in the church a lot of times we want Jesus and our dream job, Jesus and the perfect vacation, or Jesus and our favorite designer clothes. The dream job, perfect vacation, and designer clothes are not good or bad in of themselves- it’s about the place they have in our hearts. 

Are we more focused on our having our Christian instagram image or being conformed to the image of Christ? Would we be willing to sacrifice our Starbucks lattes to advance the kingdom of God? 

There was a church in the Bible who was very similar to the American church today- the church at Colossae. Jesus was worshipped but so were all the other Gods. In Colossians 1:15-20 Paul put a stop to it. He preached clearly that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. Jesus holds everything together and Jesus is who he is and did what he did so that he might be first place. 

This week take some time to reflect: 

What gets my first and best? 

• TIME- does God get the first and best of your time? 

• TALENTS- does the Kingdom of God get the first consideration in your talent and career? 

• TREASURE- who or what gets the first and best of your treasure? 

Am I listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying Him? 

• Is my investment in life led by the Holy Spirit or my own desires? 

Jesus gave it all for you. Are you willing to give it all back to Him?

Savanna Brown